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Informed Mediation™

About Informed Mediation™

Our Informed Mediation™ service is dedicated to helping individuals and couples navigate the divorce process with clarity, control, and respect. We understand that divorce can be overwhelming and emotional, but with our proprietary mediation approach, you can reach an agreement that works for everyone—without the stress, expense, and conflict of going to court. You’ll know what each step is in the process and save time and money versus several more traditional approaches. And you’ll know what your costs are before you start. Our team provides a structured, supportive environment where you can communicate openly, make informed decisions, and find the best path forward for your family. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Informed Mediation™ is a private, out-of-court process that helps couples reach their divorce settlement. Unlike traditional mediation, Informed Mediation™ provides both parties with the same financial information and settlement options, which they can investigate in real time. Couples discuss these options together, face-to-face, rather than having messages relayed between separate rooms by their attorneys or a mediator.

With expert guidance, financial analysis, and open communication, Informed Mediation™ empowers both parties to make informed decisions. You’ll also learn what might happen if your case went to court, giving you a clearer picture to help you agree on a fair outcome.

Our process begins with an initial consultation to understand your unique situation. We then guide you through structured sessions focused on resolving conflicts, understanding financial impacts, and crafting agreements tailored to your financial and parenting goals. 

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Mediation offers several advantages over litigation: 

  1. Faster Resolution: Mediation is usually much quicker than going through the court system, which can take months or even years. Because mediation sessions are scheduled based on your availability, you can reach an agreement at your own pace without waiting for a court date. 
  2. Lower Costs: Mediation is generally less expensive than litigation. Court cases often involve substantial legal fees, court costs, and expenses for expert witnesses. In mediation, the costs are usually limited to the mediator’s fees and any consulting professionals you choose to involve, making it a more affordable option. 
  3. Control Over Decisions: In litigation, a judge makes the final decisions about your divorce, which can leave both parties feeling dissatisfied. Mediation, on the other hand, allows you and your spouse to maintain control over the outcome. You work together to create solutions that are customized to your family’s unique needs, rather than having decisions imposed by a third party. 
  4. Privacy and Confidentiality: Court proceedings are typically public, which means personal details about your finances, family matters, and other sensitive issues can become part of the public record. Mediation is a private process, so all discussions and agreements remain confidential, helping to protect your privacy. 
  5. Less Adversarial Environment: Litigation can be confrontational and emotionally draining, often escalating conflicts between spouses. Mediation promotes a more cooperative and respectful approach, focusing on communication and mutual agreement. This can reduce stress and help preserve relationships, especially when children are involved. 
  6. Flexibility and Creative Solutions: Mediation provides the flexibility to explore a wider range of solutions than a court might offer. You can create personalized agreements that consider your specific circumstances, such as shared parenting plans, unique financial arrangements, or other tailored solutions that meet your family’s needs. 
  7. Reduced Emotional Impact: Mediation fosters a more amicable environment, which can be less emotionally taxing than a drawn-out court battle. By working together to find common ground, you are more likely to reach an agreement that both parties feel is fair, reducing resentment and fostering better post-divorce relationships. 

Overall, mediation empowers you to take control of your divorce process, save time and money, and maintain privacy and dignity throughout the proceedings. 

Informed Mediation™ is ideal for couples who want to handle their divorce in a private, respectful, and collaborative manner. It is specifically designed for: 

  1. Couples Seeking Privacy: If you prefer to keep your personal matters out of the public eye, Informed Mediation™ offers a confidential process where discussions and agreements remain private, unlike court proceedings that are typically public. 
  2. Couples Who Want Control Over Their Decisions: Informed Mediation™ empowers both parties to actively participate in creating their own divorce settlement. Rather than having a judge make decisions for you, this process allows you to work together to reach agreements that are tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. 
  3. Couples Committed to Cooperation: This approach is suitable for those who are willing to engage in open and honest communication, work together to find mutually beneficial solutions, and maintain a respectful dialogue throughout the process. Informed Mediation™ is best for couples who are looking to reduce conflict and avoid the adversarial nature of court battles. 
  4. Parents Focused on the Well-Being of Their Children: If you have children and want to minimize the emotional impact of divorce on your family, Informed Mediation™ encourages a cooperative approach that can help maintain positive relationships and create a more stable environment for your children. 
  5. Couples Who Value Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Informed Mediation™ is for those who want a quicker and more affordable resolution compared to the lengthy and costly court process. It helps you save time and money by streamlining the decision-making process and reducing legal expenses. 
  6. Couples Seeking Expert Guidance: If you feel overwhelmed by the complexities of divorce, Informed Mediation™ provides access to experienced professionals, including financial analysts and mediators, who can guide you through the process, offer valuable insights, and help you make informed decisions. 
  7. Couples Looking to Avoid Litigation Stress: For those who want to avoid the emotional and psychological toll of a court battle, Informed Mediation™ provides a less stressful, more constructive path to resolving divorce matters. 

Informed Mediation™ is perfect for couples who want to end their marriage respectfully, maintain control over their future, and build a foundation for a cooperative post-divorce relationship. 

You should consider Informed Mediation™ if you are looking for a private, cost-effective, and less stressful way to settle your divorce. This approach is particularly beneficial when: 

  1. You Want to Avoid the Stress and High Costs of Litigation: Informed Mediation™ can save you significant time and money compared to a traditional court battle. Litigation often involves expensive legal fees, court costs, and a lengthy, adversarial process. Mediation offers a more streamlined and collaborative approach, reducing both emotional and financial strain. 
  2. You Value Privacy and Confidentiality: If keeping the details of your divorce private is important to you, Informed Mediation™ provides a confidential setting. Unlike court cases, which are typically public and can expose sensitive information, mediation ensures that all discussions and agreements remain private. 
  3. You Want Control Over Your Settlement Terms: Informed Mediation™ allows you and your spouse to maintain control over the terms of your divorce settlement. Instead of a judge making decisions for you, both parties actively participate in crafting a customized agreement that reflects your unique needs and priorities. 
  4. You and Your Spouse Are Open to Negotiation: This process works best when both parties are willing to communicate openly, negotiate in good faith, and seek common ground. If you are both committed to finding mutually acceptable solutions, mediation can help you reach an agreement more efficiently and amicably. 
  5. You Want to Preserve a Respectful Relationship: Informed Mediation™ encourages cooperation and understanding, which can help maintain a positive relationship between you and your spouse. This is especially important if you have children and want to co-parent effectively after your divorce. 
  6. You Prefer a Flexible and Customized Approach: Mediation provides the flexibility to explore a range of creative solutions tailored to your family’s specific situation. You have the freedom to design parenting plans, financial arrangements, and other agreements that best meet your needs. 
  • Couples With a High Level of Conflict or Abuse: Mediation may not be suitable if there is a history of domestic violence, abuse, or a significant power imbalance that could make fair negotiation impossible. 
  • When One Party is Unwilling to Cooperate or Negotiate: If one spouse is not open to negotiation, refuses to communicate, or is determined to take the matter to court, mediation is unlikely to be effective. 
  • Complex Legal Issues That Require a Court’s Intervention: In cases involving highly complex legal issues, such as contested custody battles or disputes over significant assets, a court may be better equipped to resolve the matter.