Litigation Support in Chattanooga, TN

Divorce Litigation Support | Bridging Divorce Solutions
The Litigation Approach

Chattanooga’s Best Litigation Support Services

Divorce litigation is a type of divorce dispute resolution, perhaps the most commonly known. This process involves submitting issues to family court in order to resolve them, and most communication is done through representative attorneys. Divorcing couples often choose litigation if they aren’t able to reach an agreement through other methods.

As a CDFA® in a litigation context, Brenda works with one of the parties to advise on “what-if” scenarios, educate them about the process and its financial implications and play out different scenarios during negotiation.

The benefit of an individual working with Brenda as a CDFA® is parties are informed and educated about agreements that can impact them for years – even decades – to come. Frequently it’s more efficient to work with Brenda as a specialist partner to attorneys, helping to keep costs down and achieve a higher level of literacy regarding financial decisions one is making. in her role as CDFA®, Brenda also works toward crafting alternative solutions based on goals and helping to move the process forward rather than getting stuck in an expensive and time-consuming stand-off.

Lastly, in Brenda’s work as a CDFA® she helps level set expectations throughout the process so individuals know what may or may not be acceptable but the court and reasonable in discussions. Working from this point of view – resolution instead of winning and losing can ultimately save clients thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

Financial Forensics and Lifestyle Analysis

Qualified and experienced in all financial matters, Bridging Divorce Solutions provides clients with comprehensive, well-documented reports. We are respected advocates of our conclusions and deliver expert testimony in depositions and trials. Brenda Bridges, our Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®) can provide financial forensics or assist your case with analysis of expenses run through a business or uncovering potential hidden assets through a Lifestyle Analysis.

When your case needs a Lifestyle Analysis or Forensic Accounting for a divorce, you can count on Bridging Divorce Solutions to fill that need in a cost-effective way.

Our Litigation Support Includes:

  • Valuation of closely-held businesses
  • Calculation of income and expenses for maintenance and child support
  • Identification and separation of marital and non-marital funds
  • Separation of commingled funds
  • Asset tracing and identification of missing assets
  • Assistance in preparation for deposition and trial
  • Mediation and assistance in settlement negotiations
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Much more…

Bridging Divorce Solutions Litigation Support provides you with a seasoned accounting professional with the financial acumen and service agility to assist attorneys and their clients through the many facets of dispute resolution — from the early stages of litigation through post-trial matters.

A Better Life Beyond Divorce

Brenda Bridges is a Divorce Mediator and CDFA® – Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® who provides a step-by-step plan, education, and resources to help you get through your divorce and on with your life – without going broke or breaking down during the divorce or after.

Brenda operates with the utmost discretion and flexibility to help you make critical decisions about your family and your future in a confidential, non-adversarial, and cost-effective manner.


Our Philosophy

We help couples divorce by implementing a non-adversarial process, one that is not financially confusing and not unreasonably costly. Using alternative dispute resolution instead of, or in addition to, the court system means families can own their decisions and design their lives during and after divorce.

Knowledge and Expertise

Our Mediator and CDFA® is a trained financial professional who can help you navigate the divorce process and all financial aspects of divorce.

Personalized Strategy

We recognize that each divorce is different and carefully plan a custom strategy that is right for you and your solution, no matter what stage you are.


Our work together is discreet and confidential, as we provide a customized, non-judgmental safe-haven keeping you focused and on task.


Schedule a Discovery Session

At Bridging Divorce Solutions, we help determine the short-term and long-term financial impact of a proposed divorce settlement to make sure it works now as well as down the road. We examine and analyze the numerous financial issues of a divorce, providing our clients, their lawyers, and CPAs with data to help strengthen their case. We help our clients avoid the common financial mistakes of divorce by offering important insight into the advantages and disadvantages of various settlement proposals.

Schedule a personalized strategy session with Brenda Bridges, a Mediator, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®), Retirement Income Certified Professional RICP®, and Certified Divorce Coach®.

During your strategy session, she will:

  • Explore your divorce options and get clear on the right solution for your situation
  • Review your finances and explore creative settlement ideas
  • Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life
  • Identify your biggest fears and decide the best way to address them
  • Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process

Schedule Appointment

News and Resources

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In this episode, Purse Strings host Maggie Nelson talks with our very own Brenda Bridges, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®.
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Three simple steps to starting divorce the right way (and having the best outcome)

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Podcast: Dividing Assets After A Long Marriage

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Webinar: Understanding the Process of Divorce

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