Category: Resources

How to co-parent happy and healthy kids after divorce

Establish rules and guidelines for co-parenting  Brene Brown says that rules are guidelines, not weapons. So when it comes to rules for co-parenting, think of them as guideposts to help you and your ex find your way to be the best parents to your children. Of course, every family is different, so you’ll want to […]
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What's collaborative divorce, and is it right for my family and me | Bridging Divorce Solutions

What’s collaborative divorce, and is it right for my family and me?

One of the most common questions I hear during my first call with someone who wants a divorce or heard it from their spouse is, "where do I start?" It's a great question, and when people stop to think that through instead of jumping into a process that is not best suited for them or their family, they almost always have a better outcome and less expensive divorce.
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You’ve Been Served. What Now?

Filing for divorce starts the legal process in your state. In some states, there are timing issues to take into account. In Tennessee, you can’t be divorced until 90 days after you’ve filed if you have children or own a home.
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