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The Divorce Avenger: Try On Your Superhero Transformation this Halloween!

The Divorce Avenger: Try On Your Superhero Transformation this Halloween!

Hey there, my extraordinary friends, As we approach Halloween, a season of enchantment and transformation, I am – let’s say enchanted, such an excellent magical word, by the intriguing parallels between the evolution during divorce and the captivating world of costume transformations. At Halloween time, we try on costumes to step into another world. Our […]
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Navigating mediator bias

Mediation SOS: When Your Mediator Plays Favorites – How to Regain Balance with Mediator Bias

Mediation is a process built on trust, impartiality, and the belief that a neutral mediator will guide parties toward resolution without mediator bias.   However, there are instances when a mediator may unintentionally or intentionally stray from neutrality, leaving participants feeling frustrated or unheard. In this article, we’ll explore signs that your mediator may not be […]
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Mediator integrity

The Power of Mediator Integrity: When Transparency Trumps Bias

“In mediation, integrity is the name of the game.” I’ve spent years helping couples navigate the challenging waters of divorce through mediation, and one particular experience stands out as a striking example of the power of mediator integrity. It’s a tale that underscores the importance of remaining impartial and transparency’s crucial role in the mediation […]
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The Benefits of Divorce: Discovering the Upside

Divorce often receives negative criticism, but let’s look into the advantages that can arise from it. Many individuals who have experienced divorce can vouch for the positive aspects that come with it. Here are eight reasons to uncover the benefits of divorce:  1. Freedom Divorce allows you to break free from a relationship where your […]
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The skyline of Chattanooga at dusk with the title of the blog superimposed over the image.

A Guide to Divorce for Affluent Women in Chattanooga: Navigating Divorce with Financial Wisdom and Empowered Choices

Divorce can be emotionally challenging and financially complex, especially for high-net-worth women who have worked hard to build wealth. At Bridging Divorce Solutions, we believe that divorce should not define you but instead present an opportunity for growth and a brighter future. Our mission is to empower mid-career and mid-life women to approach divorce with […]
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